[Tutor] Idle socket connection refused on w2k

Joe Cox jgcox39 at highstream.net
Sun Sep 3 00:15:52 CEST 2006

My Problem,

Read the post about the Italian guy. I got the same problem off or on the
I am a newbie and this has got my self study at a dead stop.

This problem comes and goes. It says IDLE sub process error:connection

Sometimes this shuts down all of Python, sometimes not.

I have noticed that a small program will work fine, or intermittently.

Or a big program launches the shell and just hangs up Restart >>>, no socket
errors some time.

The task manager shows shell running, and process has two pythonw.exe

Turning off the firewall does nothing. I am scanning the registry now, found

I have noticed it lakes longer to open IDLE up from scratch.

Lately there is some improvement if I have only one GUI open at a time,
faster opening and
no sub process error message, sometimes.

I have tried uninstalling, repairing, nothing helps.

Please help. I don't want to give up on python. If I need to do a dual boot
and add Linux so be it.

Joe Cox

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