[Tutor] Bit-level field extraction

S W Collier stan at coll52.freeserve.co.uk
Tue May 16 21:13:03 CEST 2006

On Tuesday 16 May 2006 16:01, Alan Gauld wrote:
> Terry,
> Your approach is fine. Personally however I'd just have defined
> some constants and done a direct bitwise and - this is the
> approach used in the stat module:
> VMASK = 0x14  # 00011000
> VER00 = 0x00
> VER01 = 0x04
> VER10 = 0x10
> VER11 = 0x14
> version = byte & VMASK
> if version == VER00: #do something
> elif version == VER01: # do another

> Alan Gauld

Whoops, a typo I think. VMASK = 0x18  #00011000
                          or        VMASK = 0x14  #00010100

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