[Tutor] Passing Dictionaries to Functions

Ed Singleton singletoned at gmail.com
Wed Mar 15 15:11:59 CET 2006

Thanks again.

This does bring up an issue I occaiosionally have with the documentation.

Presumambly myfunc(**mydict) is a fairly trivial thing, but it is very
hard to find when you don't know what you're looking for.  Not sure
what the solution is, but the inability to search for things when you
don't know what they're called is a bit of a stumbling block

Maybe a page that very briefly summarises the 'unsearchable' with
links to fuller descriptions?


On 15/03/06, Kent Johnson <kent37 at tds.net> wrote:
> Ed Singleton wrote:
> > If I have a dictionary:
> >
> > mydict{'var1':"a", 'var2':"b"}
> Presumably you mean
>    mydict = {'var1':"a", 'var2':"b"}
> >
> > and I want to pass it to a function as:
> >
> > myfunc(var1="a", var2="b")
> >
> > How would I do it?
> myfunc(**mydict)
> Kent
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