[Tutor] Checking in lists

John Connors oztriking at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 26 15:24:01 CEST 2006


I found something today that has me confused. I'm making a list of 6 random 
dice rolls and I want to check if any 1's or 5's were rolled. I tried this 
way first and it returns true even if there are no 1's or 5's. I'll use a 
roll of all 2's as an example.

rollList = [2,2,2,2,2,2]
if 1 or 5 in rollList:
   print 'yes'
   print 'no'

Then I tried this and it works fine.

rollList = [2,2,2,2,2,2]
if 1 in rollList or 5 in rollList:
   print 'yes'
   print 'no'

It doesn't really matter because the second way does what I want but I would 
like to know why the first way doesn't work and if the syntax is wrong why 
doesn't it return an error.


PS I apologise if this is a duplicate, hotmail did some kind of spam check 
when I tried to send it, I've waited 30 mins and I don't think it went the 
1st time so I'll post it again.

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