[Tutor] Please look at my wordFrequency.py

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at freenet.co.uk
Tue Oct 11 00:08:33 CEST 2005

> Has anyone else experienced this? I tried debugging in IDLE with the
> source checkbox enabled, but when the sourcecode window lost focus as
> I clicked back on the debugger window to hit the step button, the
> highlight indicating the current line of source was no longer visible.
> It's probably a fluke of Windows XP's GUI theme system, but I was
> curious if anyone else had seen it.

Yes I get that too, I just watch the current source line being displayed 
in the debugger window.

But frankly IDLEs debugger sucks! I prefer to use text mode pdb 
for most things!! Which is a pretty bad inditement...

Alan g

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