[Tutor] Python won't play .wav file

Joseph Quigley cpu.crazy at gmail.com
Wed May 25 15:12:56 CEST 2005

Hi, I'm replying to you both...

At 03:16 PM 5/24/2005, you wrote:
>Strangely... I do not believe the wave module is meant to actually
>_play_ a wav file. It looks to me like it is only intended to read and
>parse the file for meta information.
>You could try passing the name of the file to another program
>via os.system, or you could use pygame.

Ok.... drat. I was hoping that it would play the files.

>Lee Harr wrote:
>If you are on windows try the winsound module.

And if I'm on Linux or programing for Mac?

Thanks guys,

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