[Tutor] More and more OT - Python/Java

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Wed Jan 12 13:57:02 CET 2005

Guillermo Fernandez Castellanos wrote:
> I have not been able to find any recent XML/Python tutorial on the
> web. 

There is a Python and XML topic guide at python.org

Uche Ogbuji writes regularly about Python and XML for xml.com

Does the xml.dom library have a XPath and XQuery or any SQL-like
> support? I've understood that it's a pretty basic library...

My impression is the built-in stuff is pretty basic. If you want to use SAX and DOM for XML in 
Python, the 4Suite add-on is pretty standard.

I've also heard good things about libxml2; it includes XPath support

IMO Fredrik Lundh's ElementTree package is the easiest way to work with XML from Python. It supports 
a subset of XPath and he has just released a compiled C version


> Thanks,
> G
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