[Tutor] Advanced Calculator Program...

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Sun Feb 20 05:01:09 CET 2005

> > I want to make caculator program which enables me to enter 2numbers
> > and mathsmatics sign and calculates it. I think this is too difficult
> > for newbie like me...
> >
> > Please input data
> >
> > Number1:
> > Mathsmetics Sign:
> > Number2:
> >
> > (Number1) (Sign) (Number2) = (Result)
> *One* way to solve your problem is, e. g., to use a branching statement
> for checking, which operator is used.
> So replace the line
> total = number1 sign number2
> by something similar to
> if sign == "+":
>      total = number1 + number2
> elif sign == "-":
>      total = numer1 - number2
> ... (for other operators ..)

One variation of this is to turn the 'sign' from a string into a function:

import operator

def getOperator(sign):
    if sign == '+':
        return operator.add
    elif sign == '-':
        return operator.sub
    elif sign == '*':
        return operator.mul
    elif sign == '/':
        return operator.div
        raise ValueError, ("I don't know about %s" % sign)

We're pulling out functions from the 'operator' module:


If we have this, then we can do:

>>> myop = getOperator("+")
>>> myop(3, 17)
>>> myop = getOperator("*")
>>> myop(42, 17)

Best of wishes to you!

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