[Tutor] Re: Small GUI toolkit and executable creators

Andrei project5 at redrival.net
Fri Feb 4 23:16:12 CET 2005

Patrick Kirk wrote on Fri, 04 Feb 2005 21:47:58 +0000:

> I'm writing an application that will distributed by download and want it 
> to be as small as possible.  The target platform is Windows.

Python isn't the right choice if your aim is minimum "executable" size. I
wouldn't worry too much about it though, people are perfectly used to
downloading multi-megabyte applications and service packs which run into
the hundreds of megabytes.

> For the GUI toolkit, I am looking at wxPython and tkinter.  For a small 
> application with only 4 working forms, which can be expected to produce 
> the smaller programs?

I have no idea. The number of forms is not relevant, since it's the toolkit
that takes up all the space, not the forms. I can tell you that a packaged
wxPython app is roughly 4 MB, don't know about Tkinter. wxPython looks
better (more native) though.

> Has anyone any comments on which produces smaller executables and and if 
> either is qualitively better than the other.

You shouldn't expect much difference in that respect, since they all do
pretty much the same thing: pack up the junk and put an exe stub on it, and
there's only so much compressing you can do.



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