[Tutor] Latex from docstrings

Kent Johnson kent_johnson at skillsoft.com
Tue Sep 14 12:48:32 CEST 2004

It looks like you can use extract_doc to create reStructured text, then use 
DocUtils to convert that to latex, have you tried that?


At 10:31 AM 9/14/2004 +0000, Stuart Murdock wrote:
>I have lots of Python code which is well commented (docstrings) and I want 
>to create a reference manual for this code using latex.
>I need to include the Python docstrings in my latex document. The trouble 
>is that most of the document generators produce (pydoc etc.)
>the documentation in a way which I find difficult to include in latex i.e. 
>the documentation generators produce pdf or html quite
>easily. Are there any documentation generators out there which produce 
>latex files, or can anyone see a nice solution to my problem?
>The extract_doc.py package seems to be on the case but they dont seem to 
>have implemented the latex flag yet.
>*-l, *--latex**
>    Generate LaTeX for the Python LaTeX documentation system. Not yet
>Thanks for your help
>Stuart Murdock Ph.D,
>Research Fellow,
>Dept. of Chemistry / E-Science,
>University of Southampton,
>Highfield, Southampton,
>SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom
>Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at python.org

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