[Tutor] taking Python to next level

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Sat Jul 17 21:10:23 CEST 2004

On Fri, 16 Jul 2004, orbitz wrote:

> Dive into python is good.  Python is also distinct from other languages
> in that reading other peoples code is actually helpful, usually.

I have to agree with Dive into Python: it's an excellent book that covers
a lot of advanced topics like XML parsing and Unit Testing.

I have to argue with the second sentence, though.  (Just slightly.
*grin*)  I feel that reading other people's code, in any programming
language, is a good thing.  There's a book called 'Code Reading':


that talks about the advantages of reading and understanding code;  I'd
wouldn't exclude it just because they don't use Python.  Good code can be
written in any language.

(And it's not necessarily a bad thing to read "bad" code, either: we learn
more quickly from mistakes than from successes.)

> >I completed an online course a few months ago that was a pretty good
> >general introduction to Python.  I want to take my Python programming
> >to the next level and start tackling more advanced programming topics.

You might want to pick out an interesting project in SourceForge and
fiddle around with someone's source code:


There's a whole section dedicated to projects that use Python:


Playing with a project, one that that excites and interests you, should
help to cement your Python knowledge.

Good luck!

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