[Tutor] The best website to learn Python?

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at blueyonder.co.uk
Thu Aug 12 23:27:20 CEST 2004

> The question I have is what is the best python related 
> site for the complete newbie to learn from? 

There are several on the Python.org website in the non programmers 
intro's section. They all have slightly different emphasis.

Mine is designed to teach basic programming skills to experienced 
computer users and uses Python (as well as VBScript and JavaScript) 
to illustrate the points.

Josh Caglieri's is a more hands on approach focussed on Python 
but at the expense of understanding principles or explaining jargon.

How to Think Like a CS focuses on teaching Computer Science 
principles, and sometimes misses out some of the more practical 
aspects. (IMHO!)

I haven't looked at the LiveWeire one but it gets good feedback.

Best thing to do is try one, or two. Find which seems to jive 
with your way of learning and stick to it. If you hit specific 
problems post questions here.

ny of the above will get you to the point where you should sail 
through the official tutor with no problems (everyone should do 
the official tutor because it is really good and covers lots of 
the clever features of Puython that a beginners tutor can't and 
is kept up to date with language changes in each release)

How to think like... and mine are both available in paper books 

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

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