[Tutor] using python as scriptin laguage for games

Danny Yoo dyoo@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Mon May 19 02:27:02 2003

On Sat, 17 May 2003, Alan Gauld wrote:

> > Im making some research about scripting languages to use with a game
> > project, but i cant find any documentation about how to embed and use
> > a python interpreter in a C application
> Hmm, you must be looking in a funny place because the main python web
> site has lots of info on this. Indeed the standard documentation
> includes details too. And virtually every book published beyond beginner
> level has at least one chapter.

Hi everyone,

At the same time, some people might say that embedding Python in another
application is a slightly advanced topic.  *grin*

(Side note: during the last Baypiggies meeting, someone had mentioned that
the popular RPG 'Freedom Force' uses Python as it's scripting engine, so
there's a practical real-world example of embedding Python in a game.)

Jango, there's a article on Gamesutra on embedding Python in a game:


I think the original presentation is here:


Let's see... Googling for more on this topic brings up a book called "Game
Programming with Python" that's coming out this October!


Too bad that the future isn't here yet.  *grin*

Finally, there a link to this subject on PythonWiki,


I hope this helps!