[Tutor] using python as scriptin laguage for games

Alan Gauld alan.gauld@blueyonder.co.uk
Sat May 17 16:14:01 2003

> Im making some research about scripting languages to use with a game
> project, but i cant find any documentation about how to embed and
use a
> python interpreter in a C application

Hmm, you must be looking in a funny place because the main python
web site has lots of info on this. Indeed the standard documentation
includes details too. And virtually every book published beyond
beginner level has at least one chapter.

Try looking on www.python.org

Go to the documentation and look under "Extending and Embedding"

Also try the SIGs where there is a group looking at C++ bindings
for Python, they might be able to help too.

Finally try searching GOogle for "Embedding Python in C", I got
11 pages of links and almost all of the first 2 pages were relevant.

Finally if you are working on MS Windows you should look at
Mark Hammond's O'Reilly book which shows how yto interact with
COM from Python and how to embed within C++, Delphi and VB

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor