[Tutor] how do you get a reply to show up on the list?

roy ollis roypython@hotmail.com
Thu May 8 12:35:02 2003

   i sent a couple of questions about alan gauld about his tutorial from the 
built in reply function for hotmail.com .  i think the reply must have been 
sent directly to him rather than the list. i looked a few few other emails 
and seen tutor@python.org in the Cc section.  is putting the tutor address 
in the cc box the correct way? the questions for alan were very basic

some questions about anan gauld's tutorial

"Python version 1.5.2 is the latest release at the time of writing " is it 
still accurate for python 2.2.2? (first page)

"For example you might be producing a document (such as this tutorial) which 
comprises lots of separate files. Your world processor may produce backup 
copies of each file as it saves a new version" is world a typo of word or is 
there something more i need to know? (page 2)

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