[Tutor] Tkinter no longer available after compiling Python

Adrian Maier am@fx.ro
Fri Mar 28 13:51:02 2003

I figured out what was that problem:
  it needed the development packages for tk and tcl to be installed.


Adrian Maier (am@fx.ro) a scris :
> Hello all!
> The operating system that I currently use is Debian Linux 2.2r5.
> It ships with python 1.5.2 and i thought it would be a good idea
> to upgrade Python:
> tar xzvf Python-2.2.2.tar.gz
> ./configure ; make ; make install
> Now I have both versions installed ( I didn't uninstall python 1.5.2
> because there are some debian packages that depend on it ). The
> new version is in /usr/local:  the binaries in /usr/local/bin
> and the other files in /usr/local/lib/python2.2.
> When trying to run programs that use Tkinter i get errors saying
> that there is no such module Tkinter ( or _tkinter ).

Adrian Maier
(am@fx.ro, 0723.002.097)