[Tutor] Tkinter no longer available after compiling Python

Adrian Maier am@fx.ro
Thu Mar 27 02:51:01 2003

Hello all!

The operating system that I currently use is Debian Linux 2.2r5.
It ships with python 1.5.2 and i thought it would be a good idea
to upgrade Python:

tar xzvf Python-2.2.2.tar.gz
./configure ; make ; make install

Now I have both versions installed ( I didn't uninstall python 1.5.2
because there are some debian packages that depend on it ). The
new version is in /usr/local:  the binaries in /usr/local/bin
and the other files in /usr/local/lib/python2.2.

When trying to run programs that use Tkinter i get errors saying
that there is no such module Tkinter ( or _tkinter ).

I guess that there are 2 possible reasons:

1. the interpreter doesn't use the right modules directory. 
   Maybe i have to set some environment variable? 

2. for some reason the configure script thinks that Tk is not
   available, so that it didn't build the tkinter module.

What do you guys think about this? 


Adrian Maier