[Tutor] Newbie here ... Have just downloaded Python 2.2.2 and am

Magnus Lyckå magnus@thinkware.se
Mon Jun 2 09:38:02 2003

At 08:52 2003-06-02 +0100, Alan Gauld wrote:
>If you do want to write web programs then, with the windows
>extensions you can write web programs in Python using the
>Windows Personal Web Server (PWS) that comes with Windows 98.

Are there any tutorials on that?

>Windows extensions. When you do download them go out and buy
>the O'Reilly book by Hammond to get the most from them.

I recently asked Mark about an update, and he thought a 2nd
edition was due this year, so it might be worth a little wait.

>If you have any experience in other languages go to something like
>Wesley Chun's Core Python or the O'Reilly Learning Python.

Learning Python will come as 2nd edition soon. Don't buy
the 1st ed now.

Magnus Lycka (It's really Lyckå), magnus@thinkware.se
Thinkware AB, Sweden, www.thinkware.se
I code Python ~ The shortest path from thought to working program