[Tutor] Newbie here ... Have just downloaded Python 2.2.2 and am

Alan Gauld alan.gauld@blueyonder.co.uk
Mon Jun 2 03:52:04 2003

> 1.  What does the download actually consist of?   I assume the
> interpreter and IDLE

THe documentation, including the official tutorial.
THe full standard library of functions
Sample code including some useful utilities.

> 2.  I also assume I need to download apache to function as a web

NO. Python is a full general purpose language it does not
use a web server. In fact a primitive web server is included
as part of the sample code.

If you do want to write web programs then, with the windows
extensions you can write web programs in Python using the
Windows Personal Web Server (PWS) that comes with Windows 98.

> 3.  As of yet, I have not downloade Mark Hammond's Win32 extensions.
> Should I shortly ... after initial install?

Eventually but don't rush. There is a lot to learn about Python
before you need to start writing COM Objects and such. Also you
need to be reasonably competent in basic Python to use the
Windows extensions. When you do download them go out and buy
the O'Reilly book by Hammond to get the most from them.

> 4.  I recognize there are a number of good books out there and look
> recommendations from you also ... since you have a lot more
> than I am this point and I have a limited book budget right now ...

It depends on your level of expertise. If you are a complete beginner
to programming go to the Newbie page on the web site and go through
one of the tutors there. Then go through the official tutor. Then
consider buying a book. I usually recommend Python Essential Referemce
by Beasley but Python in a Nutshell is good too. I already mentioned
Hammonds book - essential if programming serious Windows stuff.

If you don't like web tutors the best non programmers books are
Ivan Van Laninghams Python in 24 hours or my own attempt, both
are quite old but because aimed at the basics still quite usable.
If you have any experience in other languages go to something like
Wesley Chun's Core Python or the O'Reilly Learning Python.

Finally there is the "one stop shop" jumbo size Deitel book Python,
How to Program. Personally I don't like the sty;e but many folks
seem to find it useful. It goes from basics to intermediate
level in a huge range of topics.

> Python-2.2.2.exe download as I figured it has been out awhile and is
> perhaps the most stable for the time being.

I'd agree.


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor