[Tutor] Fixed freezing problem, have new one (fwd)

ahimsa ahimsa@onetel.net.uk
Tue Jan 14 16:50:01 2003

On Sun, 2003-01-12 at 21:43, Don Arnold wrote:

> Danny's replies are always worth waiting for, so I'll steer clear of
> commenting on the code itself. But to answer a question from one of your
> other mails:

Yep - it's next on my Python-Tutor Inbox list, so I'm getting there ...

> "... why would you need to know the number of sides on a die ...? ...
> doesn't the number of
> sides on a dice stay constant (as in 6)?"
> Though 6-sided dice are the norm, 4, 8, 10, 12, and 20-sided ones (among
> others) exist and are commonly used in pencil-and-paper roleplaying games.

Aaaah - enlightenment. Had no idea!!

> Geekily yours,
> Don

Naively yours
Andrew =)

ahimsa <ahimsa@onetel.net.uk>