[Tutor] Calculating a math formula and finding errors

Bob Gailer ramrom@earthling.net
Tue Jan 14 11:43:04 2003

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At 03:51 PM 1/14/2003 +0100, Jens Kubieziel wrote:

>  def factorial(z):
>      assert z >= 0, "Invalid input: z must be nonnegative."
>Where can I find some information what this exactly does?

 From the Language Reference:

6.2 Assert statements

Assert statements are a convenient way to insert debugging assertions into 
a program:
assert_statement  ::=  "assert" <Booleans.htm#tok-expression>expression 
["," <Booleans.htm#tok-expression>expression]
The simple form, "assert expression", is equivalent to:
if __debug__:

    if not expression: raise AssertionError
>Now this function _always_ raises an exception. And I'm a bit perplex ...

It should raise the exception only for z < 0. That's how it works when I 
test it.

Bob Gailer
303 442 2625

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At 03:51 PM 1/14/2003 +0100, Jens Kubieziel wrote:<br><br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite>&nbsp;def factorial(z):<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; assert z &gt;= 0, &quot;Invalid input: z must be
Where can I find some information what this exactly does?
 From the Language Reference:<br><br>
<h1><b>6.2 Assert statements </b></h1>Assert
statements<a name="l2h-306"></a> are a convenient way to insert debugging
assertions<a name="l2h-307"></a> into a program: 
<dd><a name="tok-assert_statement"></a>assert_statement&nbsp; ::=&nbsp;
&quot;assert&quot; <a href="Booleans.htm#tok-expression">expression</a>
[&quot;,&quot; <a href="Booleans.htm#tok-expression">expression</a>]
</dl>The simple form, &quot;<tt>assert expression</tt>&quot;, is
equivalent to:
<dd><pre>if __debug__:

<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp; if not expression: raise AssertionError
</pre><blockquote type=cite class=cite cite>
</dl>Now this function _always_ raises an exception. And I'm a bit
perplex ...</blockquote><br>
It should raise the exception only for z &lt; 0. That's how it works when
I test it.<br>
Bob Gailer<br>
<a href="mailto:ramrom@earthling.net" eudora="autourl">mailto:ramrom@earthling.net</a><br>
303 442 2625<br>


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