[Tutor] Practice Sets for newbie

Rob Andrews rob@uselesspython.com
Wed Feb 26 18:40:33 2003

The site has moved from one server to another this week, and so you might
have caught it in a vulnerable moment. For instance, where you're at
uselesspython.com may be pointing to the old server for a day or two.

Please pardon any inconvenience, and if you keep having problems with it
after another day or two, please email website@uselesspython.com with a
problem report. We're cute, and we're cuddly, and we're eager to please.

-Rob Andrews
uselesspython.com staffer

> Hi Sean,
> I tried that website to no avail. Is the address
> correct?
> Cheers,
> Mic
> > For me, UselessPython has been indispensible.
> > There's a lot of code there
> > to look at, a lot of little tasks that you can try
> > to mimic, and a page full
> > of interesting challenges to test your mettle.  I
> > know it looks defunct, but
> > it really isn't.  Honest.  :)
> >
> > Head on over to www.uselesspython.com for the goods.
> >
> > Sean Steeg