[Tutor] Scrolled Listbox

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Wed Feb 26 06:53:02 2003

> I need a Scrolled Listbox for an application that I am
> writing. The only one I see is in PMW which appears to
> still be in beta as far as I can tell. 

Assuming you are definitely using Tkinter then that seems to be 
the normal route. If you have the flexibility to choose wxPython 
has a scrolling list as a native widget I believe.

>  ...is there another one that I haven't stumbled across yet? 

Its not enormously difficult to create your own using a lust 
and a scrollbar widget. I think there is an example in the 
Tk demo that comes with Tcl/Tk. The Tcl sources are installed 
in Python in:


If you have wish installed you can run widget.tcl to see them 
in action, otherwise you need to browse using grep and a 
text editor...

Alan g.