[Tutor] Python notations

D2 borelan@wanadoo.fr
Sat Feb 8 15:40:02 2003

Thanks for your advice, i began to read it.
i won't fail to ask questions if needed.

alan.gauld@bt.com a =E9crit:
>>for example, when do i use object.method or method(parameters), or
>>object.method() or something.method().other_method().something (pan)
>>I didn't find something explicit to help me understand the=20
>>way that works.
> I don't remember if you said you could program in other langages but fr=
> the above I suspect not.

Years ago, i just used, DBMS, but i was too involved in administrative=20
and financial tasks to keep in touch with the evolution of programming.

I was just looking for an application framework to try some ideas on the=20
web. I found Zope then Python and had been attracted by this language=20
and all the concepts behind it.

> In that case visit the Newbies page on the www.python.org website for=20
> a list of more suitable tutors. Or just visit mine below....
> Work through it systematically and raise specific questions here=20
> if you find things you don't understand. (If you use mine you can=20
> send mail direct to me too, but there are many more helpers on=20
> this list!)
> Alan g.
> Author of the Learn to Program website
> http://www.freenetpages.co.uk/hp/alan.gauld/

PZP Enthusiast