[Tutor] Python notations

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Tue Feb 4 13:57:01 2003

> for example, when do i use object.method or method(parameters), or
> object.method() or something.method().other_method().something (pan)
> I didn't find something explicit to help me understand the 
> way that works.

I don't remember if you said you could program in other langages but from
the above I suspect not.

In that case visit the Newbies page on the www.python.org website for 
a list of more suitable tutors. Or just visit mine below....

Work through it systematically and raise specific questions here 
if you find things you don't understand. (If you use mine you can 
send mail direct to me too, but there are many more helpers on 
this list!)

Alan g.
Author of the Learn to Program website