[Tutor] Re: Best CVS System for Python Programming on Win 32?

Derrick 'dman' Hudson dman@dman.ddts.net
Mon, 16 Sep 2002 14:03:14 -0400

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On Sun, Sep 15, 2002 at 12:50:14PM +0200, Magnus Lycka wrote:
| At 09:16 2002-09-15 +0200, Tom Churm wrote:
| >I finally decided to get serious and install some kind of CVS
| >system locally on the Windows machines where I write my Python
| >Scripts (Win98 SE & Win2000). At first I decided to try WinCVS.
| It seems you did too little research. WinCVS is one of serveral
| GUI *clients* for CVS, which is a client/server based configuration
| management system.

This is only partly true.

CVS doesn't strictly require a client/server architecture.  If I use a
CVSROOT of, say, /var/cvs/dman, then the 'cvs' command handles
everything itself on local files.  If I use, eg
dman.ddts.net:/var/cvs/dman then it will use $CVS_RSH (which I set to
'ssh') to connect to the remote host and run the 'cvs' command as in
the first example.  You only use a client/server architecture if you
use the "pserver" method of connecting and authenticating.
Nonetheless WinCVS won't do what you want unless you have a server
somewhere.  (at school I never managed to figure out wincvs so I
learned the 'cvs' command line interface instead)

| AFAIK CVS servers only run on Unix/Linux/BSD.

The cygwin package includes 'cvs'.  Go to www.cygwin.com and download
the installer for cygwin.  I highly recommend using cygwin on any
windows system.

| >Because I wanted to get some kind of CVS system up and running without
| >investing hours and hours in trying to tweak WinCVS so that it works for=
| >me,
| >I just installed MS Visual Source Safe.  Regardless of any disadvantages=
| >MS VSS, at least the program's easy to install and intuitive to use.
| Stick with VSS.
| >3)  Are there disadvantages/limitations to using MS VSS, and what are th=

I've used VSS at work.  IMO it sucks.  It is not very convenient to
use, and recently I came across this article, which you really should
read before using VSS :


Many are the plans in a man's heart,
but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails.
        Proverbs 19:21

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