[Tutor] Limit Quoting please!

Jeff Shannon jeff@ccvcorp.com
Mon Oct 28 13:22:01 2002

Magnus Lycka wrote:

> List Admin: Is it possible to bounce emails
> with more than say 75% quotations?

Even if possible, I'm not sure this would be a good idea (however
tempting).  Sometimes it's necessary to quote a few lines of text in
order to be clear just what you're answering, but the needed answer is
only a very short single line.  Or, if you're helping someone "fix"
their code, you might have a number of lines of code quoted, with only
one or two "new" lines.

Programatically determining excessive quoting is tricky...  which is
why it's all that much more important for humans to be a bit more
careful about it.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International