[Tutor] Rut Ro...

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Sat Nov 30 13:11:01 2002

> RubyCocoa is a Ruby library for using Cocoa Objects on Mac OS X
> http://www.imasy.or.jp/~hisa/mac/rubycocoa/
> Why hasn't Python done something like this??

The MacOS X version of Python does have some Cocoa support 
I think - but I haven't tried... But as with all things open 
source it will be built when someone needs it enough to 
build it! Until then you can use what is available or
do the work yourself or find somebody else who is doing 
it and offer to help!

> I haven't been able to get tkinter to work with OSX,

I assume you are using the MacOS X version of python?
And have the MacOs X version of Tcl/Tk installed? 
(I think thats a separate step from memory)

I can get Tkinter working under X windows on Mac OS X OK
and also under MacOS 9 emulation so that's been sufficient 
for me.

> and Python libraries for using Cocoa Objects would make
> it irrelevant. 

Not necessarily, if you need cross platform compatibility 
- and I do - then Tk is still the best option. Also Tk is 
much easier to work with than Cocoa - higher level.

But it depends on what you want to do.

Alan G
(A casual and occasional Mac user.)