[Tutor] Application Error

Kirby Urner urnerk@qwest.net
Wed, 27 Mar 2002 14:17:07 -0800

> >>
> >>I know most of you are working with Python, not Tkinter, but since
> >>Tkinter came up recently, I thought someone might have an idea.
> >

I was able to load and run a movie in Windows, by giving
your program a .pyw extension and clicking on it directly
in the file manager.  It seemed to terminate normally,
however I don't think it did, as other apps later had
problems and the shutdown routine informed me of various
tasks not ended, including one about Quicktime.  Also, if
I launch in a DOS box, when I close the movie window
after play, I don't be my prompt back -- more evidence of
an irregular termination.

That's not much help, I realize -- just confirmation that
there appears to be a problem.  I haven't studied this
Quicktime-in-Tk module enough to see if there's something
messed up in the Python code.  Could well be lower level
than that.

Cool package though.  Thanks for bringing it to my

In the meantime, perhaps someone else will be of more help.
