[Tutor] lost

Erik Price erikprice@mac.com
Mon, 18 Mar 2002 22:20:47 -0500

On Monday, March 18, 2002, at 09:00  AM, Karthik Gurumurthy wrote:

> I was wondering how to use it with python libraries. But have not been 
> able
> to figure it out.
> Am not sure what python-xml SIG thinks about JAXP from Sun which tries 
> to
> hide
> different parser implementation so that the code becomes portable across
> parsers.
> So i looked for similar names in the PyXML src :-( to make some sense 
> out of
> it.
> I know it might sound stupid but the documentation is'nt helpful.
> There is no proper documentation for xslt stuff.
> Hope they will provide one soon.


Here's what the book has to say:

Essentially, the book's example of embedding an XSLT processor into a 
Python program is a CGI script that takes two style sheets and an XML 
document, and runs the appropriate style sheet on the document depending 
on some user actions.  Since it sounds like you don't need me to post 
two XSLT sheets and an XML file to explain what's going on, I'll just 
post the Python CGI program (but if you want the other stuff let me 

The book doesn't actually detail -how- to install 4XSLT but does say "as 
explained earlier", so maybe I missed it, or maybe the best thing is to 
go to their web site and follow their instructions (I haven't been there 
yet but it's http://www.4suite.org/).

<BookContents source="Python & XML" author="Christopher Jones & Fred 
Drake Jr" page="147-8">

# xlst.cgi       # sic, probably a typo
import cgi
import os
import sys

from xml.xslt.Processor import Processor

# parse query string & instantiate xslt proc
query = cgi.FieldStorage()

xsltproc = Processor()

print "Content-type: text/html\r\n"

mode = query.getvalue("mode", "")
if not mode:
   print "<html><body>"
   print "<p>No mode given</p>"
   print "</html></body>"		# sic, again

if mode[0] == "show":
   # run XML through simple stylesheet
   html = xsltproc.runUri("story.xml")
   print html

elif mode[0] == "change":
   # change XML source file, rerun stylesheet and show
   newXML = '<?xml version="1.0"?>\n'
   newXML += "\t<story>\n\t<title>"
   newXML += quer.getvalue("title")[0] + "</title>\n"
   newXML += "\t<body>\n"
   newXML += query.getvalue("body")[0] + "\n\t</body>\n</story>\n"
   fd = open("story.xml", "w")

   # run updated XML through simple stylesheet
   html = xsltproc.runUri("story.xml")
   print html

elif mode[0] == "edit":
   # run XML through form-based stylesheet
   html = xsltproc.runUri("story.xml")
   print html


This is kind of out of context since I didn't copy the XML or XSLT 
sheets -- they're very very simple, but if you want I can do those 
tomorrow, just let me know.
