[Tutor] thanks

Erik Price erikprice@mac.com
Fri, 8 Mar 2002 07:30:49 -0500

On Thursday, March 7, 2002, at 07:24  AM, kjphotog@juno.com wrote:

> I've also discovered an awesome computer whiz resources like Erik Price.
> He seems to know a bit about everything in the programming world. And is
> ever so willing to discuss, writing in detail, about python, html, css +
> tons more.

<sheepish face="red">

Thanks Keith!  If only to hang on to my ego, I have to say that I really 
am a novice myself when it comes to most things, especially Python!  
Nonetheless, if it's a subject I can help with, I'll try as best I can 
anytime.  (I feel somewhat more useful on the PHP mailing list, as I 
have a little bit more experience with that language...)

For the record, I've been helped by others on this list far more times 
than I've been able to help back!

