[Tutor] thanks

kjphotog@juno.com kjphotog@juno.com
Thu, 7 Mar 2002 04:24:29 -0800

Another + with the Python tutor is posting our e-mail addresses. I've
been finding some tutor members are extra helpful when I've emailed them.

I've also discovered an awesome computer whiz resources like Erik Price. 
He seems to know a bit about everything in the programming world. And is
ever so willing to discuss, writing in detail, about python, html, css +
tons more. 

And it's tutors like that who can empower people like me, especially
since I'm a school teacher. Although, I'm not so helpful as a Python
tutor - yet. I am learning lot's of bits & pieces of stuff like html and
have been sharing what I'm learning with my students. Now they're making
simple webpages too. 

Thanks to tutor@python & other helpful folks - I'm able to expand my
computer knowledge & skills a little more each day. 

Keith Johnson

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