[Tutor] Python information [links for beginning programmers]

Danny Yoo dyoo@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Sun, 28 Jul 2002 17:21:46 -0700 (PDT)

On Sun, 28 Jul 2002, Billie wrote:

> I've seen lots of stuff for beginners for VB, Perl, Java, and the like
> but Python - nothing.

Hi Billie,

There's actually quite a lot of stuff here for people who haven't
programmed before:


It's true that there are a lot of resources for experienced programmers
out there, but there's also a lot of stuff for people who haven't
programmed before.  (If you find some more resources for beginning
programming, can you tell us about it?  We might be able to link it to
that page for others to use.)

Personally, I like Alan Gauld's "Learning to Program"  and Josh Cogliati's
"A Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python", but all of the tutorials there
are pretty nice.  The Livewires course is also awesome.  Try one of these
tutorials, and as you play around with Python, you can always ask your
questions here on Tutor.

... I'm surprised that Useless Python doesn't appear to be linked from the
Newcomers page!  Billie, if you have time, you might find this site nice:


Useless Python is a great resource for beginning Python programmers.
Some of these tutorials do assume some programming background, but there
are some tutorials focused for newcomers in there as well.

You are also always welcome to ask any Python questions here on Tutor;
books can't talk back, but people can.  *grin*  Good luck to you.