[Tutor] Curious newbie

Gregor Lingl glingl@aon.at
Tue, 23 Jul 2002 16:37:59 +0200

alan.gauld@bt.com schrieb:

>Actually it might be good for python to have a direct 
>equivalent - a runtime only distribution without the docs 
>and .py sources just the interpreter, compiled libraries 
>etc. It would probably only be about 2-3M or so in size...
>Just a thought, 
>Alan G.
I suppose with py2exe Python is not far from that!
Some days ago I created an exe from a Python program using py2exe -
incidentally it was snake.exe ;-) - and what I got was the following:

A directory called "snake" containing:
--- snake.exe (205 KB)
--- python22.dll (825 KB)
--- tcl83.dll (472 KB)
--- tk83.dll (928 KB)

plus 2 small files called _sre.pyd and _tkinter.pyd

Additionally there is a subdirectory named tcl containing 2.45 MB
tcl/tk - stuff

These things add to 205 files in 13 directories making up 4.9 MB
Among these files are many bitmaps, gifs and even tcl-demos, which
certainly are not used by my application. Nevertheless, removing this
obviously unnecessary stuff by hand prevents snake.exe from running.

Not very handy! I think this has to be optimized yet!
