[Tutor] Python implementation of Unix tools

Prahlad Vaidyanathan slime@vsnl.net
Wed, 16 Jan 2002 06:28:17 GMT

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On Tue, 15 Jan 2002 Remco Gerlich spewed into the ether:
[-- snip --]
> I don't see the use of this at all. If there is a Perl implementation, why
> is a Python implementation so useful?
> Far too much open source software is duplicated, several mediocre
> implementations in several different languages, it's a waste.

I agree. But mine is a very selfish reason - I would have to learn perl,
with all it's nuances, in order to expand on those existing tools. I am
much more familiar with python's syntax, so reading up the library
reference and adding functionality shouldn't be all _that_ much a PITA.

That said, the 'Perl Power tools' page mentions that it is (was ?)
primarily a project to show 'what else perl can do'. Hence, it's mainly
just an ego-booster for people out there who wish to show-off their skills

Prahlad Vaidyanathan <slime@vsnl.net>

Disks travel in packs.

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