[Tutor] odd bodkins and novel emissions

kirk Bailey idiot1@netzero.net
Tue, 08 Jan 2002 23:43:18 -0500

Danny Yoo wrote:
> On Tue, 8 Jan 2002, kirk Bailey wrote:
> > OK, it emits thus:
> >
> >   ns# ./TLlistmaster.py < testfile
> >   From:= idiot1@netzero.net
> >   Subject field as extracted:='Re: quit idiot1@netzero.net testlist3 1010514864'
> >   CLEANED UP subject line='quit idiot1@netzero.net testlist3 1010514864'
> >   command='quit'
> >   oldfrom='idiot1@netzero.net'
> >   listname='testlist3'
> >   Pending action='quit idiot1@netzero.net testlist3 1010514864'
> >   command='quit'!   Listname= testlist3
> >   Listing members of testlist3 follows:
> >   -----------------------------------
> >   Member= 'quit idiot1@netzero.net testlist3 1010514864'
> >   Member= 'quit idiot1@netzero.net testlist3 1010514864'
> >   -----------------------------------
> >   They are already not a member! Aborting!
> Question: what does your member list look like?  Is it a list of email
> addresses, or a list of quitting commands?
Each list has it's own email list of members. This is EXACTLY the sort
used in majordomo or in sendmail ':include:' baised email lists. You
could convert one of those to a TL list in 9 heartbeats- if you can
type a single alias into the aliases script and recompile it that
quick- and yank the old alias out. as there is NO outgoing alias,
unlike majordomo, it is IMPOSSIBLE to guess that transmission alias
and spam a list. TL is SECURE! you not a mamber and ok2post, you're
not hitting the net, no discussion, period.

Now what is being listed there is not the subscriber file at all, for
it does not contain that information. It is the PENDING file! But why
is it reading THE WRONG FILE?!?!? WHERE DID I FAIL???

A subscriber file looks like a flat list of naked email addresses, as:

> The reason I'm asking this is
> because I'm guessing that what comes from readmembers() is something like:
> ###
> membernow = ['quit foobar@baz.org testlist1 1010514864',
>              'quit balin@moria.org testlist2 2020202020']
> ###
> which I'll call a list of quitting commands.  Is this right?
The list is called 'pending' and is a list of unconfirmed commands.
There are 2 commands that have to be confirmed by emai, join or quit.

They are configured as:

	command email listname cookie

The cookie is the output of time.time turned into an intiger, then
that into a string. This strips off the numbers which are a decimal of
a second. 

pendings are VERY secure. First, the included email address MUST match
the SENDING email address. The
list specified MUST match the pending list, and the time cookie MUST
match. the program strips off the "Re:" part, and then strips off
leading and trailing whitespace, so the normal replay "Re:" does not
hurt things.

> Your from_addr, on the other hand, is just an email address like
> "foobar@baz.org".  Your code is doing a comparison:
Sure is. if the provided email, which is what the confo message was
sent to, does not match the REPLYING email, it's bogus, or assumed so.
This is partly a test that it is a real account, and partly a test to
make sure that person really wants this to happen, so jokers cannot
send in subscriptions for someone else. When everything else is done I
will add a provision to calculate the time code dor 7 days, add that
to the timestamp, and see if it is smaller than the NOW time at
runtime. if it is, it timed out and we kill it.
> ###
> if from_addr not in membernow:
>     print 'They are already not a member! Aborting!'
> ###
> so that's why I'm focusing on the contents of your members list.
> Good luck!
Members list? For testlist3? ok.

ns# list ./lists/testlist3
Listing of file ./lists/testlist3 in



While we are at it, let's list 'pending':

ns# list ./lists/pending
Listing of file ./lists/pending in

quit idiot1@netzero.net testlist3 1010514864


Again, you can view the current listing of the script at
as this is a ssi include, it inherently instantly updates the page if
I modify the script.



              -Kirk D Bailey

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              Kirk Bailey, consulting loose cannon

www.howlermonkey.net                 highprimate@howlermonkey.net
http://gipco.webjump.com                       idiot1@netzero.net 
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