[Tutor] Python in 24 hours more like 24 years

Daniel Coughlin kauphlyn@speakeasy.org
Thu, 21 Feb 2002 20:59:59 -0800 (PST)

I was looking for the tutorial that really turned me on and found the following 
which is a big list of python tutorials. 

alas, the tutorial i learned from isnt there. and I cant remember where it was. 
by the way, I struggled for almost a year trying to learn 'how to program'. I 
spent time courting  c++, perl, and visual 
basic before python actually requited my advances. And it was love at 
first sight. Now I am actually getting paid to charm and seduce Java. But python 
will always be my first love ;-)  

Wesley Chun's Core Python Programming definately was the very best books 
for me. Might be a little much for a true beginner - but I recommend it anyway.

Also as Cameron said Python Essential Reference rocks. It can fit in your back 


On Thu, 21 Feb 2002, Erik Price wrote:

> On Thursday, February 21, 2002, at 04:35  AM, Jonikas Valdemaras wrote:
> > Many thanks for all answers,
> >
> > I'm slightly depressed :) because Laningham's book
> > is the only choice in ours. So, I can't get your
> > recommended books.
> > If I understood correctly, not bad way (at least better
> > than Laningham's book :) would be to use tutolias
> > from www.python.org. Correct?
> I'm still learning Python.  So don't take my words as those of Someone 
> Who Knows.  But I have found that there are tutorials all over the web 
> that teach all kinds of programming.  In fact, I did this with PHP -- I 
> used a book to get me going, but halfway through the book I got bored 
> with it because the tutorials on the web were much more concise (the 
> book was a giant Wrox book, admittedly).
> The fact is, though, is that reading tutorials on a screen just sucks.  
> There's nothing like curling up in bed and reading a book.  Some people 
> might think it's weird, because you don't have a computer handy to try 
> stuff out on, but I prefer to ingest a chapter and then try it out 
> later.  So I say, get the book if it's convenient to do so, but 
> otherwise, check out the following sites:
> DevShed has good quick tutorials that give you a rough idea of the 
> topic.  But if you want to know more, you need to know where the online 
> documentation is.  They have a fairly lengthy tutorial on Python, but it 
> doesn't teach you how to program.
> http://devshed.com/
> This is a pretty good tutorial.  "How to Think Like a Computer 
> Scientist."  The name doesn't excite me, but it doesn't leave much to 
> question -- read through this once and then go back and re-read the 
> parts that you didn't totally understand.  I found it comprehensive.
> http://www.ibiblio.org/obp/thinkCSpy/
> The problem with a lot of tutorials (like the DevShed one, above), is 
> that it's easy to teach you the basic structures of a language, like 
> functions and naming rules and whatever.  But to actually teach you some 
> programming concepts is a trickier task.  That's where I see myself -- I 
> sort of already "know" Python's "rules", but actually writing efficient 
> programs (the fun part) is something that I need to constantly work on.  
> I haven't had time to read this tutorial, but I think it addresses this 
> very subject...
> http://www.mindview.net/Books/Python/ThinkingInPython.html
> And Alan Gauld has already mentioned his site.  There you go, now you 
> don't have to buy a book.  Between these four tutorials, which will take 
> you a bit to get through, you should have a grasp of Python and be able 
> to start learning from yourself.
> Erik
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