[Tutor] A slighty off topic question/rant for the experienced .

Michael Powe michael@trollope.org
Wed Dec 18 18:30:02 2002

On Wed, Dec 18, 2002 at 06:17:55PM -0000, alan.gauld@bt.com wrote:
> > >> My suggestions on learning to be a better coder:
> > 
> > >> * learn one of each type of language.  Learn Lisp or Forth 
> > or ML.  Break your
> Absolutely, thats why I used the list of languages in my earlier post.
> Its concepts not current flavor languages that matter.
> That's why my web tutor uses 3 languages - to ilustrate that 
> although the synrtax is different the concepts are exactly 
> the same in any imperative language(like Python).
> > It's not likely you'll find books on those things.
> Actually there is a vast array of literature on Lisp. There is 
> a much smaller amount on ML and Forth (although it used to have 
> a lot of books). Another good FP language with a reasonable 
> book selection is Haskell.

in fact, i believe daniel friedman has written a book, "the little ml'er" that
corresponds to his books "the little schemer" and "the seasoned schemer".

ah yes, http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~dfried/.  also deserving of mention is
"scheme and the art of programming."
