[Tutor] TKinter and IDLE problem

Magnus Lycka magnus@thinkware.se
Fri Dec 13 09:37:02 2002

At 19:15 2002-12-12 -0800, Dick Moores wrote:
>In a DOS window, neither
>      python C:\Python22\Tkinter\helloTkinter.py
>      C:\PATH> python myscript.py
>(where I assume "C:\python22\Tkinter> python helloTkinter.py" is what is 

What happens if you just type "python" at the prompt?
If that works, it's the script that can't be found.
If it doesn't work, python can't be found. See below.
(On Windows you exit python with Ctrl-Z.)

Will "c:\python22\python.exe" start python? If not, where
is your "python.exe"?

If 2) worked, type "path" at the prompt. Does the path look
like you expected? If not, consult a windows expert.

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
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