[Tutor] PIL Install Question

dman dsh8290@rit.edu
Wed, 3 Oct 2001 00:19:46 -0400

On Tue, Oct 02, 2001 at 08:21:04PM -0400, Joel Ricker wrote:
| From: "dman" <dsh8290@rit.edu>
| : | The first thing he tried doing for me was to install jpeg-6b.  I set it
| up
| : | in my home directory and pointed out where it was at for him plus the
| basic
| : | instructions which are:
| :
| : Is he using Debian?  If he is try 'apt-get install python-imaging'
| : :-).  I don't know about the jpeg-6b package, but PIL is pre-packaged
| : for a number of linux distros.
| Not sure.  I can check.  Is Debian a flavor of Linux?

Yes.  If the file /etc/debian-version exists, then it is a debian
system.  There is something similar in /etc for RedHat boxes, but I
don't know what it is called.

| The install I'm playing with is all I found for PIL. At
| http://www.pythonware.com/downloads/index.htm#pil is only listed the source
| and three windows only installations.  According to the documentation, To
| get JPEG support I have to install the IJG Jpeg Library and for PNG and Zip
| Support, I have to get and instal the Zlib library.
| If there are any pre-built installations or easy installs, please I'm all
| ears :)

That depends on the linux distro being used.  If it is an rpm-based
system (Debian is not) you can probably find a package on rpmfind.net.
(All the Debian packages are on debian.org and can easily be in
stalled with apt-get)

| : | My webmaster's response:
| : |
| : | ""
| : | Hmmm...what exactly are we doing that root wouldn't have permission to
| do? :)
| : |
| : | Here's what I got:
| : |
| : | [root@host jpeg-6b]# ./configure
| : | bash: ./configure: Permission denied
| : | ""
| :
| :     ls -l ./configure
| :
| : I bet it isn't executable :-).
| :
| :     chmod ugo+x ./configure
| :
| So those two lines will fix it?  Cool.

It should, if I am guessing the problem correctly.

| Something I should ask in relation to this is, this isn't going to mess with
| the Python install as its set now is it?  I'd like to avoid that since if
| something goes wrong, I wouldn't want to be to blame to taking out everyone
| else's python service :)

You can install it in your home directory, as long as you don't hit
your quota.

./configure --prefix=$HOME
make install

You will then need to add $HOME/<something> to your PYTHONPATH
environment variable for python to find the modules, but that isn't a

I'm not sure what is causing the errors you posted in your other mail.
Maybe try running "bash ./configure" instead of just "./configure".
