[Tutor] FTP Bug?

D-Man dsh8290@rit.edu
Mon, 19 Mar 2001 10:11:31 -0500

On Sun, Mar 18, 2001 at 11:30:56PM -0800, Britt Green wrote:
| Hmm...its odd because it'll do this randomly from time to time, not in the 
| same place each time. The most idle my program gets is about five to ten 
| seconds while it figures out the average size of the directory.

How good is your connection?  I often read my mail over ssh using a
(shared via ip masqing) Road Runner connection.  Sometimes it just
chokes and I get "connection reset by peer" errors.  I think that is
caused by too much usage of the line.  Other times it is just fine.  I
think it might also happen if I leave the ssh app open and don't use
it for an extended period.  From home I use a dialup account with my
school, and at times I can't get a decent connection (probably a
shortage of working modems on their end).  Also, if someone picks up
the phone and starts fiddling with it, connection reset by peer can

| I'm probably going to post the code of my program here in the next few days. 
| When I do, if anyone sees anything that mighht cause this, please let me 
| know.

The only thing I can think of that may be a problem with your code is
if you do something that would cause the server to think your are not
being nice and it boots you off.  If you aren't doing anything like
that then it is probably just a flaky connection.  Does your script
ever finish running successfully or does it fail _every_ time you try
and run it?  Perhaps you should try adding some time.sleep() calls in
certain places to give the server a breather.  Kind of like when a
person stops and thinks for a minute ;-).  It's possible that you are
overloading the server so it stops you before it dies.
