[Tutor] My two cents worth re Python Newbies

Tim Johnson tim@johnsons-web.com
Thu, 1 Mar 2001 20:46:24 -0900

On Thu, 01 Mar 2001, Daniel Yoo wrote:
> Let's make people feel at ease when they're asking questions.  Of course,
> we should encourage people to use the FAQ and search for resources, but I
> think it don't hurt to also give them something to look at.
My Two Cents Worth as a Python Newbie:

I guess that I could learn Python without any help from this
list. After all, there is a *lot* of resources out there - but it 
would take me longer. Making use of the list has saved me time, and
I have been able to pass those "savings" on by helping others in
other ways.

That's all folks!! great list, keep up the good work. :>)
Tim Johnson
"Of all manifestations of power,
 restraint impresses the most."