[Tutor] Help on Ptyhon graphic environment installation

Jason Oppel jason@oppel.net
Thu, 28 Jun 2001 11:06:41 -0400 (EDT)

Actually you already have a quite nice graphical IDE which you got bundled
with Python 2.1 called IDLE.  It should be in your 'Python 2.1' folder
(unless you called it something else when it was installing).  IDLE starts
up at the old familiar python shell but yor can create new modules, open
existing ones etc.  IDLE has some nice features like syntax highlighting
and auto-indentation.  Play around with it a bit!  Danny Yoo recently
wrote an introduction to Python using IDLE at:


It should give you a good start!

-Jason <Pato>

On Thu, 28 Jun 2001, Pascal Boennec wrote:

> Hi !
> I've just downloaded Python 2.1 under win95.
> At the moment I've only used the DOS window (>>> prompt) to test
> the basic commands.
> I'd like now to install a "better" developpment environement
> (graphic one), but I don't know whet are the mandatory steps to
> perform it !
> I believed that downloding Python 2.1 and install it was enough.
> But it doesn't seem to be so easy (python.exe for example doesn't
> react to a mouse double-click...)
> My email for your answer
> pboennec@capgemini.fr
> Thanks very much for your help !
> Pascal
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