[Tutor] When to Chop Suey...

Jason Oppel jason@oppel.net
Thu, 28 Jun 2001 11:00:19 -0400 (EDT)

Greetings all!  I'm a Python newb and I've been lurking on this list for
about two weeks now and I'm really excited about all the great advice
that's being given out here.  Thanks to all who take the time to provide
answers to those of us wandering in the programming wilderness!

I am writing a med sized program and I'm wondering if anyone has advice on
when to chop off a bunch of classes from my main module and put it in
another one?  Are there any general guide lines that I could be keeping in
mind when coding about when I should start seperating code into their own
modules?  Any replies are greatly appreciated!

-Jason <Pato>

The fates lead the willing, and drag the unwilling.  --Seneca