[Tutor] Elegance vs short-term expediency

Tommy Butler python.tutor@atrixnet.com
Sat, 23 Jun 2001 23:03:02 -0700

> Guys,
>         I try to champion Python within our company whenever I'm given the
> chance, but there are times when it is just plain easier to use Perl for a
> given task. Here is an example of how I chose Perl over Python for a task
> I've just spent several hours finishing :

Maybe the bit about "several hours" you just mentioned should tell you
something about why you should have used python instead.

Die, camel-boy! (Just kidding, of course!)  Unfortunately I'm doomed to
suffer the same tradgedy each day where I work.  I think my guys will come
around though.  I'm beginning to think there's only so long you can "use
Perl;" while improving your python skills and save any time.
