[Tutor] some questions - from a complete newbie

Lloyd Kvam pythontutor@venix.com
Fri, 14 Dec 2001 14:59:32 -0500

For point a:

try "c:\\my documents\\test.txt"
(the back slash is the escape character for specials so you need two to get one)
or use "raw strings" which exclude specials
r"c:\my documents\test.txt"

vip333d@yahoo.com wrote:

> dear Tutor!
> I'm a newbie, and there are some things that I want to
> do with python, that aren't in the basic web tutorials
> I have read. My OS is win95. I:
> a) cannot execute the os.access(c:\.....) or the
> os.path.exists. the arrow points on the "c". I tried
> it without the c:\ and the arrow pointed on the "s" of
> "my documents.
> b) I'd like some strings that open other windows
> files, documents and web pages etc.
> c) I'd be happy to get a list of orders that get me
> parts of web pages, for example the headlines of the
> NYTimes.
> d) It would be great to get a list of web-oriented
> orders, but if it's too much to ask - it's too much to
> ask.
> thank you very very much!
> vip333d@yahoo.com
> (by the way: Python is a great language!)
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Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp.
1 Court Street, Suite 378
Lebanon, NH 03766-1358
