[Tutor] Global Regular Expressions?

Brian Wisti bwisti@hotmail.com
Fri, 19 May 2000 13:23:33 PDT

Hi all,

I'm sure that this is just staring me in the face, but I can't figure out 
how to step through a string with a regular expression.  I know how I want 
to do this in Perl.  How about I show you what I mean in Perl?

-- Perl Code --
#!/usr/bin/env perl

# A simple example of the strings I'm looking at.
my $string = "<td>item1</td> <td>item2</td><td>item3</td>";

# Find the text within each table cell, and show each match
while ($string =~ m!<td>(.+?)</td>!g) {
	print "Matched: ", $1, "\n";

print "All done!\n";
-- End of Code --

So how do I say it in Python?  Would I be able to use a while loop, or is 
there some other construct (splitting, or whatever) that I should be using?

Thanks ahead of time for any ideas,
Brian Wisti
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