[Tutor] howto?

JoanCarles p Casasín joanca@typerware.com
Thu, 18 May 2000 20:02:42 +0200

At 18/5/00 18:29 alan.gauld@bt.com wrote:

>> not much familiar with english language (my mater
>> language is spanish) i have not understanded very
>> well the part of the documentation that explains how
>> to run the programs when i write them in a text editor for 
>> example windows note pad or Linux pico text editor.
>Sorry I can't offer immediate help but I hope to have 
>a Spanish translation of my online tutor available 
>soon - one of my readers has volunteered, its not 
>in my hands...

Drop a line here when it's available, please.

>Meantime, try posting your specific problems here 
>and we will do our best. 
>Maybe someone who speaks Spanish will volunteer 
>for some 1:1 help. (I assume somebody on the lists 
>speaks Spanish!?)

I do, but maybe the problem is I don't know too much Python ;)
But I offer help if I can...

-> JoanCarles