[Tutor] Python saves the day?

Steve Spicklemire steve@spvi.com
Tue, 16 Nov 1999 17:54:08 -0500 (EST)

Hi Paul,

   I'm not sure what you mean by 'front end'.. are you talking about
something that runs in a browser, or just a custom client app that
talks to a game server somewhere else?


>>>>> "PaulODavis" == PaulODavis  <PaulODavis@aol.com> writes:

    PaulODavis> Hi, Fascinating stuff on this site. I need some advice
    PaulODavis> if possible. I have a source code (It's AI code for a
    PaulODavis> game) written in C++. My intrepid programmer decided
    PaulODavis> that Visual Basic was the desired front-end to bring
    PaulODavis> this to the web.  Sadly, he was mistaken. Now we have
    PaulODavis> almost finished graphics and still seek a front-end
    PaulODavis> solution. Could Python and SWIG save the day, do you
    PaulODavis> think? Would Python be a better choice for such a task
    PaulODavis> than say, Smalltalk?  As you can tell I'm somewhat
    PaulODavis> techno-limited but could sure use some help in getting
    PaulODavis> out from under the VB steamroller.  Thanks, Paul Davis

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