[TriPython] Watching the cancellations... here's a bit of Python code that some may find interesting..

PySimpleGUI at PySimpleGUI.com PySimpleGUI at PySimpleGUI.com
Fri Mar 13 10:13:06 EDT 2020

Wow, thanks for the update Rex on the differences between what you're experiencing in Taiwan versus what we're seeing here in NC.

Found it hard to not jump on the COVID-19 data being published.

I wrote a COVID-19 distance tracking desktop widget to give people an idea of just how close it can be to your home.


Grab this file

And pip install PySimpleGUI and geopy

I'm working on another GUI that graphs the current data and does a curve fit to predict the future values.  It's really scary seeing these exponential curves.  Python is excellent for processing this stuff.  If you're interested in data, the Johns Hopkins GitHub has loads of it:


Be safe everyone  🙏😷


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